The economics of what is in your Cosmetics (One Guess Who Gets Rich off of this)

A terrific article in the Guardian, titled US Cosmetics are Full of Chemicals  Banned by Europe - Why?  is exceptionally well written.

Well written it is and disgusting and alarming it also is.  Why the United States of America allows some of these chemicals in products sold in this country is unbelievable.

Here are some parts from this article:

"“Many Americans are unaware that they are absorbing untested and unsafe chemicals in their products,” said Alex Bergstein,"


"The disparity in standards between the EU and US has grown to the extent it touches almost every element of most Americans’ lives."


"It’s possible to find formaldehyde, a known carcinogen banned in EU-sold cosmetics, in US hair-straightening treatments and nail polish."  
How on earth can formaldehyde be used in a consumer product I ask?

"Parabens, linked to reproductive problems, are ruled out in the EU but not the US, where they lurk in skin and hair products. Coal tar dyes can be found in Americans’ eyeshadow, years after they were banned in the EU and Canada."
Are US companies just using these products because they are just too cheap to put safer products in?

Its seems though the United States has follen behind Europe for a long long time:  "Atrazine is the most widely used herbicide in the US but has been banned in Europe since 2003 due to concerns it pollutes water. Lead-based paints were banned in much of Europe before the second world war but it took the US until 1978 to follow suit."

What is really sad, in my opinion is that many products that we thought might totally be gone in the US are not really: "Asbestos exposure has long been known to cause deaths and illnesses but the substance is still not banned in the US. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) attempted to do so in 1989 only to be overturned by the federal court following a backlash from manufacturers."   What Asbetos is still not illegal?

One guess what the most expensive search term on google is?   Yep its mesothelioma.  According to Wikipedia: "Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that develops from the thin layer of tissue that covers many of the internal organs...More than 80% of mesothelioma cases are caused by exposure to asbestos."  Yep you guessed it Mesothelioma is cased mostly be Asbestos.

So is the real reason that these horrible chemicals still in use in all of our products so that Trial Lawyers can stay in business?

The article can be found here.


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