Holiday Time and Personal Finances

OK, I realize that I just had a post about how to save money during the Holidays.  But I promise this post will not be about insurance or spending habits, which I am overly prone to writing about.

Its about summing up your financial to dos and completing what needs to be done!

Check Back in on you Yearly Goals:

Pull out your yearly financial goals and see if you have accomplished everything that you had hope for.  If you are like me, chances are that is not possible. 

What Can You Fix By EOY (End of Year):

If you are like me many of my financial goals are more than just dollar amounts of things that need to be done and many of them are more related about accomplishing a task.  An example might be Close Old Savings Account.  If I find that I have not yet done this by December, gosh that sure sounds like a simple thing to do.  So I can go back in an do it.

Don't Sweat It:

In the end when you are reviewing your financial goals - the good news is that you have them (financial goals that is) The bad news can often be that you did not accomplish an investment return, or a savings goal. But its good that you at least have financial goals.

Plan for the New Year:

You either fail to plan or plan to fail and this is certainly true with your personal money.  Do not be dismayed if you hit none of your personal financial goals for 2018.  Remember just having them is the the thing to do.  Now, look at what happened in the old year and use this information moving forward.

Consider the Following Suggestions
  • Personal Financial Goals should contain actual dollar saving amounts.
  • Personal Financial Goals should involve cost cutting measures.
  • Personal Financial Goals should involve saving for future events (college.)
  • Personal Financial Goals should consider simplifying where appropriate (cutting down on accounts.)
  • Personal Financial Goals should have be realistic and yet aim for the sky
Thanks for Reading.


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