Happy Veterans Day

Veterans day started as Armistice Day - a day created to celebrate the end of World War 1.  November 11th, 1918,  The war ended on the eleventh hour famously.   The Holiday has more or less been changed to honor all Veterans in the United States and is now celebrated on November 11th.

According to history.com Veterans Day officially began being called this in 1954.

Numerous other countries celebrate veterans type holidays including: England, France, Australia, and our Northern Neighbor Canada.

The holiday is distinct and different from Memorial Day which, according to wikipedia, is about celebrating " people who died while serving in the" in the US Armed Forces. That holiday is celebrated in the Spring in May.  Although the two holidays are somewhat similar they are not the same.

I feel its important to honor Veterans, of all types of almost all countries in the world with their own important holiday.  As has famously been said:  "All Gave Some, Some Gave All." 

Not having served in the armed forces myself I can say that I have nothing but the utmost respect for those that have.  Celebrating Veterans and Memorial day is just one way in which we can all do this.
Although its easy to just take the Monday off and forget all about the holiday - this is not the best thing to do.  Some people gave their lives for this country and we honor it to them to remember this.

"Freedom Isn't Free."

This past November 11th was more unique than other Veterans Days as it celebrated the 100th anniversary or the end of World War One.  One Hundred years ago - the guns of the first truly modern war fell silent.  The end of the crazy shelling, the end of trench war fare.  Men emerged, the few remaining survivors, and they would never be the same.

Nor would the world....  The country and the world changed.  Colloquialism more or less began to fall apart with the end of World War One. - 100 Years ago (Yesterday.)

All the Best and Thank You for your Service!


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